Minami Ogawa

Minami Ogawa

Company: Optimized Foods

Job title: Director, Cultivated Foods


Panel Discussion: Promoting Cross-Industry Innovation in the Alternative Fat & Oil Space 3:15 pm

Exploring new methods of expanding fat and oil production to accelerate the pace of adoption of new solutions Acknowledging industry insights through case studies of sustainable fat and oil start-ups to pinpoint commercial strategiesRead more

day: Conference Day Two

Edible Mycelium-Based Encapsulation: Revolutionizing Fats & Oils in Plant-Based, Cultivated Seafood & Beyond 12:00 pm

Unleashing sustainable innovation in fat and oil production through mycelium biomaterial Highlighting delivery of fats and oils by harnessing mycelium in alternative protein products Leveraging mycelium to generate high margin products beyond food applicationsRead more

day: Conference Day Two

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