8:00 am Registration & Morning Coffee
8:45 am Chair’s Opening Remarks
Optimizing Alternative Fat for Meat Analogue Application & Juicy Taste
9:00 am Generating Potent Lipids & Biomass to Enable the Perfect Texture & Authentic Taste of Plant-Based Meats
- Addressing unprecedented challenges in creating authentic meat aroma from plant-based alternatives due to changes in consumer preference and diets
- Highlighting the importance of lipids as precursors for the formation of species-specific meat aromas for thermal generation
- Harnessing fermentation, synthetic biology and extensive sensory analysis to produce tailored biomass and lipids
- Tackling challenges with cost of goods in developing commodity fats and oils through fermentation
9:30 am Enhancing Meat Alternatives: Combining Mammalian Cells with Microalgae Cells for Advanced Technology Adoption & Tastier Cultivated Meat
- Understanding multi-organism co-cultivation as an advantage for growth, taste, and final cost
- Exploring key characteristics of microalgae that can substitute protein sources with more nutritional benefits
10:00 am Morning Refreshments & Networking
Innovating Alternative Fats for Dairy Substitute & Creamy Texture
10:45 am The Molecular Gastronomy: Revamping Structural Composition with Zero-Carbon Fats
- Leveraging the scalability of thermochemistry to create fats from air
- Bridging the gap in knowledge between sensory properties and composition of fats to identify the key determinants of taste and texture
11:15 am Roundtable Discussion: Exploring Novel Sources of Fats & Oils for Alternative Meat, Dairy & Seafood Application
- Understanding the potential of unconventional sources such as fermentation, algae, and insect-derived fats for protein application
- Delving into processing techniques and lipid modification approaches to optimize texture, mouthfeel, and stability
- Examining strategies to formulate alternative fats with improved nutritional profiles to drive widespread adoption of alternative protein sources
Pioneering Alternative Fats for Industry-Wide Application
12:00 pm Edible Mycelium-Based Encapsulation: Revolutionizing Fats & Oils in Plant-Based, Cultivated Seafood & Beyond
- Unleashing sustainable innovation in fat and oil production through mycelium biomaterial
- Highlighting delivery of fats and oils by harnessing mycelium in alternative protein products
- Leveraging mycelium to generate high margin products beyond food applications
12:30 pm Lunch & Networking
1:30 pm Replicating Alternative Fats & Oils Using Algae to Create Healthy & Sustainable Foods
- Commercializing structured triglycerides, bioactive oils, and rare fatty acids enabled by scalable microalgae fermentation technology
- Shedding light on environmentally conscious fats and oils for adoption in food service operators and CPG companies
2:00 pm Oleogels: Deep Dive into Tech for Development of Healthy & Functional Fats
- Adopting advanced oleogel technologies for food applications
- Leveraging acoustic pressure field technologies in oil and fat structuration
- Using mathematical modeling and computer simulations to speed up the research and development of lipid-based materials
2:30 pm Afternoon Refreshments & Networking
3:15 pm Panel Discussion: Promoting Cross-Industry Innovation in the Alternative Fat & Oil Space
- Exploring new methods of expanding fat and oil production to accelerate the pace of adoption of new solutions
- Acknowledging industry insights through case studies of sustainable fat and oil start-ups to pinpoint commercial strategies